

  1. Write recipe functions into your init file as described in the quickstart; or load or copy them from the cookbook.
  2. Execute M-x customize-variable RET run-command-recipes to activate them.

This is the only required configuration.


By default, commands run in term-mode. You can modify this by executing M-x customize-variable RET run-command-default-runner. Available runners are currently:

  • run-command-runner-compile: runs command in a compilation-mode buffer
  • run-command-runner-term: runs command in a term-mode buffer (default)
  • run-command-runner-eat: runs command in a eat-mode buffer (requires eat.el (opens in a new tab) to be installed)
  • run-command-runner-vterm: runs command in a Vterm-mode buffer (requires vterm (opens in a new tab) to be installed)

A runner can also be specified per-command when writing a recipe. See Writing Recipes.

New runners can be added easily, see Extending.


By default, the selector is automatically detected. You can modify this by executing M-x customize-variable RET run-command-selector. Available selectors are currently:

When completing via Helm or Ivy, you can edit a command before running it by typing C-u RET instead of RET.

New selectors can be added easily, see Extending.